Sunday, November 20, 2011

For you to be happy

For now.

If you don't know the Moth & the Flame..
contact me, micah, or scott (or a bunch of other people too)
And we'll try to get you their new album. It is incredible.

I feel strange when I tell people about music that has changed my life for a few reasons:
1. It changed my life.. not everyone else's.
    I find that line between personal and public music sharing to be a dynamic line sometimes.
       -I want my close friends to feel that incredible feeling that I get too, because I love my friends.
2. What happens if they don't like it? I can't be offended.. But I am going to feel weird.
     I start to feel like I defaced the music I cherish because someone else didn't feel the same way I did.
       -I recognize this thought process isn't the best one. But this leads to my next point.
3. Sometimes I want to share so badly, because I want them to know how much I love it.
    I don't want this question to EVER surface with people I know well:
                Hey, have you heard of Sigur Ros? Some of their stuff isn't that great but you'd like Glosoli..
         I can't help but get the urge to smack that person down to the ground.
         At the same time, haha, it's not their fault, holy cow Brent..
4. Sometimes when people tell me to listen to music, I immediately mark that band/musician down in my
    head as music to never look up. With this fact. I try to be careful sharing. Because maybe they will be
    more likely to listen to it if I don't bring it up like it's a world news event. Maybe patience will help the
    desperate cause. This scenario is my favorite:
                [sitting somewhere, plane, car, bench] Hi, what are you listening to?
                                                                                   Hey, [whoo are youuu], The Shins!
                                                                             Oh that's cool, the only song I know is New Slang.
                                                                                   Really? Well put these headphones on immediately.
                                                                                   This song is called Split Needles (or Know you
                                                                                    onion!, or Sea legs, or any shins song)
                                                                             Okay. [3 minutes pass]
                                                                             That was awesome. I didn't realize everything in the                      
                                                                             world is made better with music by the Shins..
                                                                                    YEHAAHAHAAA.. yes.
This scenario has not, and will not ever happen.
I heard from some guy the other day that mono sucks.. I'm glad I dodged that bullet.
I can only guess how many people read what I write here.
and my guess is: 6 max

I am so excited to go home.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Unnecessary things

Unnecessary things, that lean more towards the unhelpful (even harmful) side of the spectrum, straight up make me angrystrated.
This is in and of itself a paraDIGGUM shift.        (Exquisite cred)
I think this is great however.
Thus. we. see...

When one does not think before one opens one's barf hole,
everyone else will figuratively barf on that person.

So. Give it a think people. I will work on it too, I swear.
Why don't we all start ignoring the social battle opportunities and spend the time having fun.
Because when you start looking for these situations, you'll say:

Let's stop barfing.

It is not good for the psyche..

In the end, Thom Yorke will still win.

Friday, October 28, 2011

So I was thinking, or trying to to

and I realized something that we all know. Days exist!
with a lisp (sorry)

Human lives are structured into repeating boxes that come down the conveyor belt every 24 hours.
We get all excited planning and guessing what's gonna be in the next box.
Then it stops being exciting. Because that box is gonna come, and have those awesome pieces of crap in it, no matter what you do.
No matter what you do, you're gonna open that freakin box, and the slip of paper on top of everything else says: "You gotta pee, Brent".. "So stop trying to sleep, cuz you can't, till you pee...go pee"
screw that box
I don't wanna wake up anymore with the need to pee.
I would LOVE to wake up to the need to jump out the window because someone needs to test their stack of mattresses.
Speaking of mattresses. When LCHS choir toured Italy last year there was a room on the third floor in this cool hotel. 

The room.

Open the door..

BAM. yea.. mattresses. to the ceiling. Climb over them, oh. wow. Check it out. 

A cove where you can slide into--  it's a little thanksgiving just for you.

It's like a silent bounce house but fort style
Bouncing isn't a good idea or it could all move... and mess up the progress you made.

Which leads to an analogy. Don't get out of bed, or you'll mess up the progress you made.. hehh

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Leaves Hit

It's getting colder outside and the colors and leaves are starting to fall. Life is a big ball of change. I keep looking for the time I'll be settled and set; comfortably static. That is not going to happen, and I don't think that would truly bring me joy. I realize the love of change and variety are inherently given appetites. I love the mountains red, and I'll love them blue-white. I'm so stoked.
Micah is one of the most interesting and relatable-to-me people I've ever met, no hyperbole this time.
Socially, I run in his shadow, but in the end I really actually enjoy it. Because he really is that funny.
I love dark green
Gorillaz somehow manages to be a sweet groovin groove but quite thick in meaning- serious at the same time, some songs. I decided I am probably not going to major in computer science. I'm strongly considering Audio Recording Technologies. Lots of theory and sight singing, but that's what I actually care about. I can do computer stuff too.. Whatever
Trying to be more excited about the world- and not so dark and calculating about irrelevant issues.
Can't explain how excited I am to go home. and see my family.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Catapult Their Ghandrus

There's a cow mug tipping over the edge the crash will be loud don't scream. The foundation just solidified.
Handle broke off the door to the pantry we'll starve radiation outside don't scream.
Why did we make the door solid steel?
Bil þ venda my ást of vetur.
I would have to stay in here.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ran DOWN a wheel

He died on and off, seeing wheels spin faster than slower.
He was always saying how he saw street lamps as frozen explosions rather than dots.

Dots have a respective distance to the viewers.
Not all dots are street lamps unless those "planets" and "stars" out there are actually street lamps. It's a long road to the other side of the universe. And it's not a straight one. Lots of lights. Lots of lights goin out for James.
Sorry James, no one else wants to change out the lights. But everyone wants to look at them. Sucks.
Really does.

My room is colder than outside.

Your face needs to be thrown a gun? What does that even mean?
Maybe it's like the man said, he has a van with a ramp he drives with his teeth now, so he shoots with his mouth too.

Micah loves the vanilla scent spray.
Followers don't equal popularity, people.
Seems like something Ali would say.

I'm gonna na na my way towards bed. Tomorrow marks another Monday,
stands for
Mother-effin over-played nonsense day after yesterday
i. hate. monday mornings

Monday, October 10, 2011

Traditions of a Carpet Staple [a discourse on failure]

This is my mind when not occupied. It's vacant.

I am a carpet staple. I was stapled into carpet. I'm stapled into this carpet. My favorite things include staying stapled, including being a strong staple, and South Dakota, and this carpet because it has maroon colored yarn strands.

Sometimes the people ask what I would change in the world. I would definitely have to say that the green environstationals don't understand that there are still trees we haven't cut them all down I know people are starving in Africa has the cure for cancer can we all Just CALM THE EFF DOWN, and ask Africa for their cure. We could mass produce their cures for less payment from the less rich continent thousands.

If everyone thought like me the staple... so much easier.

Last thing I have to say.
Somebody said this in class: "People go to BYU for the good education, not for cooperation on their rules and laws"...
yeahh.. nice one dingdong

The blog posts don't have to make sense right?
I never got the link that it seems everyone else got for what you can't write on a blog.

Soldiers left for the war,
but the man in the suit just snores.
I feel like I'm tied to a chair,
sitting in front of one single pear.
There's the golden man running
spinning and reaching and hatching.
The floor got wet and see-through
so the flanger box made stew.
A box has four sides and names
but a fox has four legs and pains.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Galaxy She

She comes and goes,
sometimes alone.

Elle me donne
deuxième ours.

Mais je veux un peu de temps
avec la femme.

Est-ce se difficile
ou une gross blague.

The time will come
when the world falls down.

But until the end
can we please get along?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

took the head right off

Bleak, frozen headphones left alone for two years
frozen to the desk they were left on, white with red stripes.
The hands and head left to find powers.
In the journey, and struggle for wind and sun,
the head and hands turned on each other.
Half-dead, thrashed, bleeding, black, and wretched. Inching back to the desk.
Their survival can only come from the white and red laying muffled.
The numb, and blood-slippery hands scratch at the ice, gouging what it thinks is the barrier to it's salvation.
The effort is for naught. The barrier doesn't exist. Hasty method has led to extinction.
The head finally rolls back, blind.
Hot breath, enough to melt the ice, and desperate licks free the red and white no longer muffled.

The hands fallen and desecrated, are pitied by their brother, once a friend, who made it.

The turtle won the race again.
I have hands.

Monday, July 25, 2011

It's Nonsense?

I keep getting told that my lyrics make no sense.
Screw you. They make sense.

Today rained a little bit. Ali and Madison are up here for eFy I'm excited to play.
Ocean, The is my favorite song so far.
Fresca is my new favorite indulgence.
Jacob has begun a new page in his life book. Today, right now, he has begun an audio journal. On garageband. So I felt like I needed to write something down.
I have nothing to say that is public information yet.
Well... theres only three people i can think of that even know this blog exists.
but still. just in case.

hefalumps and woozels
im sick and tired of working for the man Madison
f^ck that guy

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

sometimes i like gay songs

"Say You Like Me" - We The Kings

what the he[[
i downloaded it as the free single of the week and i listened through the whole song and i didn't realize what i had done till i did it a second time. maybe a third.
so i guess sometimes i break my own rules. i really don't have many anyways.
The masquerade dance is this saturday. The first formal freshman byu dance...
We have to ask dates out. Jacob works that night and doesn't want to go. I have other friends going but blehk. Since mormon prom was so awesome, I just have all this intense motivation to totally goooo...yeaa
i have a computer science midterm and tomorrow is the last day to take the fatty test. Ive been studying at least two hours everyday for this shiz and i still dont get it.
i do actually. but i don't feel like i do.
manchester orchestra rules. ive got friends.
 one of their songs says- "
Definitely not the things that I'm seeing
Did i think id see so instantly

I found a note in my grandfather's coat
when I read it out loud I got cold

'Cause he said
I'm not complaining
yeah i was just saying
I'm a man, I'm a lost one you see
come down with me to a place
we'll get clean
and we'll meet with them eventually

you mean everything
I don't know much but a crutch is a crutch
if its holding you from moving on"

i haven't felt the coolness i visualized feeling living on my own.
im just tired-night.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


It's been about a week without what I used to see as home. I can't tell how I really feel about it.
I wrote a song named Circle before I left. In the beginning I couldn't get past the first two lines because I kept crying. It took too long to be able to contain myself. I'm listening to it right now and due to my unnaturally poor memory it's the best link I have with my past life that I've just stepped away from.
I think the way for me to unpuzzle the knot in my head is to unravel the parts one by one. This is part of doing that. I miss my friends so much- that I don't think about it. If I did I couldn't get anything done. Knowing I'll get to come back for a few days in a few weeks (haha) lets me justify not thinking about it. 
There were a lot of loose ends that never got taken care of, many people I didn't get to say goodbye to that I know I won't ever see again. Things like that are like poison to me if I dwell on them too long. They're still up there in my memory though and I know eventually I'll have to feel like complete trash. I think the main thing that I wish I had done better- is explaining to my friends how much they mean to me and how badly I want to be involved in whatever they're doing. I don't know how to tell them that I love them in person. I don't know how to say to them that I think about them all the time, and that being so far away hurts so bad. I don't think my friends will read this either. I post this publicly in hopes that they might possibly read it. I feel that if someone reads it- it was meant to happen that way and if someone doesn't- then that's good too.

Basically I put as much as I could into Circle and I'm slaving over it and we shall see if I can get the courage to release it. I'm so tired. All the time.
It will get to the point that I miss home even more. Right now I also miss knowing where to go and what to do. I feel small.
BUT, knowing who I know, and feeling like I can tell them I love them is enough to make me feel big enough to lift the sheets and begin another day.

Goodness, welcome to a very dramatic, neurotic, and self depressing letter to the open.
I have a belief that someday everyone will know how everyone else feels. That will be so nice.
Of course my battery percentage is 69 right now.
Ive spend 3/4 of the time of writing this just sitting and thinking about my closest friends and I really really hope you know who you are.
Jacob is awesome. I frequently envy him. 
Sigur Ros and a lot of other music rules.
I didn't realize what clothes I would need till a couple days ago.
It is hot in the summer.
Power bars aren't good to eat before bed.
Paintballs feel like nails when they hit you.
Sometimes a week can feel like a month.
I forget why I'm alive sometimes. It's nice to know why I am, again. and again.
no proofreading, just push publish post.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wish You Were a Seeker

I recorded a bunch of awesome moments on my phone:
-Evan's Voice death
-Retard Jam
-"The Wave"
-Opera Singer
-italian speaking

i used two of them in a song and the retard jam i have put on repeat because its hilarious. I think it's Sam doing a grunt yell somewhere in it and i die.

The Wave lyrics

Mom I know
Mom I know
It's early in the morning
but these fireworks aren't lit

The wave's gonna take you
gonna take you ooh
I think the wave's gonna take you
gonna take you ooh

[the end]

There's not much time left it seems. The feeling of the walls coming in fast and even though you have a split second to suck in air, you can't because you know you won't be able to in the next second. Weird.

"Army of Me" -Bjork
that song is nuts

"I Feel So" -Boxcar Racer
those lyrics are killer
especially mixed with the music. It's just an addicting song, when it fits so well.

Sometimes i think of what would happen if i do certain things:
-Sit upside down in class
-Cook eggs on my desk (electric frying pan)
-Tape socks to all the doors
-Place a car bench seat in the middle of the hall
-Replace all the trashcans with little tiny ones. (the foot tall ones for your room)
-paint all the tree trunks neon green or orange
-throw out flower seeds eeeverywhere there's sorta wet looking dirt
-Record over the foreign language listening tapes
-Wear my pants backwards and point out to other people this mistake on myself. record their faces on camera?
-Go through the stacks in the IRC and flip all the books upside down
-Replace the flyers in the office with retarded ones

idk. it just keeps coming
but i think... why not? if i'm just gonna go home and play video games... why not see what happens?

i don't get to choose when to write or record and that makes me frustrated.

i haven't written here for awhile and so i almost wrote things that don't belong on a public blog. I thought it was a personal journal for a second. close

Saturday, March 26, 2011


After a really long practice where we kept turning up our amps, and after we've unplugged everything- the silence that comes over everyone is so weird. Everytime this happens- whether the silence is very long or sorta short. It makes me happy.

Parable of the day.

Once a mountain man had three piglets. Their names were One, Two, and Three. Three kept his special marbles under his bed. Two kept his secret stamp collection between the gap in the AC vent. One didn't have anything to keep anywhere. The Mountain man kept his beloved machete tucked in the curtains.
After many happy years of obliviousness, there was a day when The Mountain Man found a marble on the ground. What could this mean? He did not know what it meant. It was one of Three's special marbles. After a moment he knew this fact for it was written on the side of the marble- "Three's special marble one". He immediately looked around with fear jabbing his chest. Why would the marble ever have made it out onto the floor if it was meant to be a secret marble? They did live in the mountains and they did live where there were many devious creatures of the nightlife aurora. No matter. The Mountain Man grabbed his hidden machete and at that exact time One finished business in the bathroom and hopped out into the room and saw the machete. All secrets were made known to the one who had none. His head exploded and engulfed the entire room in a blue light which released Two from his bonds and Three from the grip of a robber in the adjacent room. The robber died.
Moral of the story. Keep lots of blue light in your head and don't be a robber.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

þú ert með sáttmála

If we could just keep life clean..

I have these ideas and things i want to do. but since they all seem so time consuming i never end up doing any of them.. so i write out my ideas and today i did some of them. success. :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Was Greended This Weened

"I don't think I wanna think about it." - "So Much Trouble" -Matt Pond PA

The 6H pencil is like a knife, maddie... should've let me know...

This is what i learned. It's all there; the pencil scrapes away the wrapping paper.

For the second time seeing Big Fish- I love it even more.

Blogging isn't sharing.  ?

Today I bought the best scissors that Scotch makes. They glide like butter. I wrote my name on it in silver sharpie. Bliss.

Today my mother walked into my room (as i was packing and packing) with a big box FULL of pictures of me. as a kid. as a amoeba. as a douche. as a goat. as a ladder. as a speaker. and as a baby

I always space this all out because I like to give the space bar a line all to itself since it does so much work.

Cat Planet Funny

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My only two

It's nice knowing that only Ali and Maddie read these things. Maybe a random person who searches for a blog at random has come across
It was easy to decide what animal Ali was. Deer.
It has not been easy to decide on what Maddie is. Bunny.

I read a sign today that said: "30% off for seniors 55+ (except on new items)"
I laughed but that's actually pretty sad. Are they taking advantage of their eyesight? because the parenthesis was half the size of the main message.

I hope to one day hear of a band called- Invincible Cop and the Unfocused Hotel

cloak and robe from elven kind

I really want Extreme Isolation headphones.

When will they tell me I can start at my job?

Beginning the process of putting your belongings into boxes, and knowing that most of it will stay in those boxes for the rest of your life... It's a blow to the mind. Especially since I sit in my thinking chair everyday, and stare at it all.

The People's Key is a psycho album. Woah.

Will someone help me make this idea happen?
        Get a shirt.
        Sew on a big patch of velcro.
        Make many matching velcro squares to put on it.
             You can change your shirt and put whatever you want on it. Because you dont have to wash the velcro in the washing machine. So it can be pretty delicate. So the destruction (like what happened to our band shirts in the washing machine) will be avoided.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Into the Open" -The Heartless Bastards

The name of the band is harsh but it's so good. It's like how the band "The New Pornographers" has the worst name ever but really really great music that has nothing to do with the name. I think that might be what they meant to accomplish with their names. Get rid of the retards who only look on the surface. Maybe. Because I think it's getting rid of some people who disagree with everything about the name. I'm confused, but...
Isn't that inspirational?
Go Heartless Bastards

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Listen to this playlist: hyzoticmoose's Playlist

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Do You Think It'll Mess You Up If I Play The Piano?

Dear Helen,
    If you're reading this, I'm sorry I missed your party. I'm also sorry to hear that no one else came either. I legitimately feel bad I don't know how to make it up to you.
I made fruit cake bars yesterday and if you'd like some just let me know (I have so many I can't sit on the couch anymore- I bought 4,000 lbs of sugar from and I just couldn't let it all go to waste. Please have some fruit cake...I am dying.)
My son called today to let me know that their dog caught a three legged pigeon. I didn't know what to make of it at first so I told him to cook it up and send me the head. Now I realize that in Oklahoma there was once a bear who was infected by a Cancer Pigeon and I really hope they don't send me the head. I don't want cancer. I already have enough of it. I shall be hiding out in the front bushes till the mailman comes so I can tackle him before he touches the box.
I gotta go. The power just went out.

Monday, March 7, 2011

"Save the Bensies"- A day in the life of Rosemary

Rolling over the bar I hit my head. Ohoo Joel was so angry. He made me reconsider buying the lasagna platter so I had to find the bathroom and sort things out. When you really look closely at dentures you can see the little imprints of the manufacturer's machine punchers. I ended up forgetting about the lasagna platter and Helen's party and I dropped all my change at the checkout. Which leads me to now- a sad example of wrinkles and dinkles. Gettin' ready for my big show next week..
Check my work out at
Send me all your recipes when you have the chance, I'm stockpiling dull knives too.
Peace out sisters.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I Found Wrote This

The blood wants to jump out of my hand and write the words you say. I welcome the pit in my stomach and wish to return on command. I have things I can do- and things I will do. It's obvious but not after saying it to yourself 15 times.