Saturday, March 26, 2011


After a really long practice where we kept turning up our amps, and after we've unplugged everything- the silence that comes over everyone is so weird. Everytime this happens- whether the silence is very long or sorta short. It makes me happy.

Parable of the day.

Once a mountain man had three piglets. Their names were One, Two, and Three. Three kept his special marbles under his bed. Two kept his secret stamp collection between the gap in the AC vent. One didn't have anything to keep anywhere. The Mountain man kept his beloved machete tucked in the curtains.
After many happy years of obliviousness, there was a day when The Mountain Man found a marble on the ground. What could this mean? He did not know what it meant. It was one of Three's special marbles. After a moment he knew this fact for it was written on the side of the marble- "Three's special marble one". He immediately looked around with fear jabbing his chest. Why would the marble ever have made it out onto the floor if it was meant to be a secret marble? They did live in the mountains and they did live where there were many devious creatures of the nightlife aurora. No matter. The Mountain Man grabbed his hidden machete and at that exact time One finished business in the bathroom and hopped out into the room and saw the machete. All secrets were made known to the one who had none. His head exploded and engulfed the entire room in a blue light which released Two from his bonds and Three from the grip of a robber in the adjacent room. The robber died.
Moral of the story. Keep lots of blue light in your head and don't be a robber.

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