Tuesday, July 12, 2011

sometimes i like gay songs

"Say You Like Me" - We The Kings

what the he[[
i downloaded it as the free single of the week and i listened through the whole song and i didn't realize what i had done till i did it a second time. maybe a third.
so i guess sometimes i break my own rules. i really don't have many anyways.
The masquerade dance is this saturday. The first formal freshman byu dance...
We have to ask dates out. Jacob works that night and doesn't want to go. I have other friends going but blehk. Since mormon prom was so awesome, I just have all this intense motivation to totally goooo...yeaa
i have a computer science midterm and tomorrow is the last day to take the fatty test. Ive been studying at least two hours everyday for this shiz and i still dont get it.
i do actually. but i don't feel like i do.
manchester orchestra rules. ive got friends.
 one of their songs says- "
Definitely not the things that I'm seeing
Did i think id see so instantly

I found a note in my grandfather's coat
when I read it out loud I got cold

'Cause he said
I'm not complaining
yeah i was just saying
I'm a man, I'm a lost one you see
come down with me to a place
we'll get clean
and we'll meet with them eventually

you mean everything
I don't know much but a crutch is a crutch
if its holding you from moving on"

i haven't felt the coolness i visualized feeling living on my own.
im just tired-night.

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