Saturday, March 26, 2011


After a really long practice where we kept turning up our amps, and after we've unplugged everything- the silence that comes over everyone is so weird. Everytime this happens- whether the silence is very long or sorta short. It makes me happy.

Parable of the day.

Once a mountain man had three piglets. Their names were One, Two, and Three. Three kept his special marbles under his bed. Two kept his secret stamp collection between the gap in the AC vent. One didn't have anything to keep anywhere. The Mountain man kept his beloved machete tucked in the curtains.
After many happy years of obliviousness, there was a day when The Mountain Man found a marble on the ground. What could this mean? He did not know what it meant. It was one of Three's special marbles. After a moment he knew this fact for it was written on the side of the marble- "Three's special marble one". He immediately looked around with fear jabbing his chest. Why would the marble ever have made it out onto the floor if it was meant to be a secret marble? They did live in the mountains and they did live where there were many devious creatures of the nightlife aurora. No matter. The Mountain Man grabbed his hidden machete and at that exact time One finished business in the bathroom and hopped out into the room and saw the machete. All secrets were made known to the one who had none. His head exploded and engulfed the entire room in a blue light which released Two from his bonds and Three from the grip of a robber in the adjacent room. The robber died.
Moral of the story. Keep lots of blue light in your head and don't be a robber.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

þú ert með sáttmála

If we could just keep life clean..

I have these ideas and things i want to do. but since they all seem so time consuming i never end up doing any of them.. so i write out my ideas and today i did some of them. success. :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Was Greended This Weened

"I don't think I wanna think about it." - "So Much Trouble" -Matt Pond PA

The 6H pencil is like a knife, maddie... should've let me know...

This is what i learned. It's all there; the pencil scrapes away the wrapping paper.

For the second time seeing Big Fish- I love it even more.

Blogging isn't sharing.  ?

Today I bought the best scissors that Scotch makes. They glide like butter. I wrote my name on it in silver sharpie. Bliss.

Today my mother walked into my room (as i was packing and packing) with a big box FULL of pictures of me. as a kid. as a amoeba. as a douche. as a goat. as a ladder. as a speaker. and as a baby

I always space this all out because I like to give the space bar a line all to itself since it does so much work.

Cat Planet Funny

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My only two

It's nice knowing that only Ali and Maddie read these things. Maybe a random person who searches for a blog at random has come across
It was easy to decide what animal Ali was. Deer.
It has not been easy to decide on what Maddie is. Bunny.

I read a sign today that said: "30% off for seniors 55+ (except on new items)"
I laughed but that's actually pretty sad. Are they taking advantage of their eyesight? because the parenthesis was half the size of the main message.

I hope to one day hear of a band called- Invincible Cop and the Unfocused Hotel

cloak and robe from elven kind

I really want Extreme Isolation headphones.

When will they tell me I can start at my job?

Beginning the process of putting your belongings into boxes, and knowing that most of it will stay in those boxes for the rest of your life... It's a blow to the mind. Especially since I sit in my thinking chair everyday, and stare at it all.

The People's Key is a psycho album. Woah.

Will someone help me make this idea happen?
        Get a shirt.
        Sew on a big patch of velcro.
        Make many matching velcro squares to put on it.
             You can change your shirt and put whatever you want on it. Because you dont have to wash the velcro in the washing machine. So it can be pretty delicate. So the destruction (like what happened to our band shirts in the washing machine) will be avoided.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Into the Open" -The Heartless Bastards

The name of the band is harsh but it's so good. It's like how the band "The New Pornographers" has the worst name ever but really really great music that has nothing to do with the name. I think that might be what they meant to accomplish with their names. Get rid of the retards who only look on the surface. Maybe. Because I think it's getting rid of some people who disagree with everything about the name. I'm confused, but...
Isn't that inspirational?
Go Heartless Bastards

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Listen to this playlist: hyzoticmoose's Playlist

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Do You Think It'll Mess You Up If I Play The Piano?

Dear Helen,
    If you're reading this, I'm sorry I missed your party. I'm also sorry to hear that no one else came either. I legitimately feel bad I don't know how to make it up to you.
I made fruit cake bars yesterday and if you'd like some just let me know (I have so many I can't sit on the couch anymore- I bought 4,000 lbs of sugar from and I just couldn't let it all go to waste. Please have some fruit cake...I am dying.)
My son called today to let me know that their dog caught a three legged pigeon. I didn't know what to make of it at first so I told him to cook it up and send me the head. Now I realize that in Oklahoma there was once a bear who was infected by a Cancer Pigeon and I really hope they don't send me the head. I don't want cancer. I already have enough of it. I shall be hiding out in the front bushes till the mailman comes so I can tackle him before he touches the box.
I gotta go. The power just went out.

Monday, March 7, 2011

"Save the Bensies"- A day in the life of Rosemary

Rolling over the bar I hit my head. Ohoo Joel was so angry. He made me reconsider buying the lasagna platter so I had to find the bathroom and sort things out. When you really look closely at dentures you can see the little imprints of the manufacturer's machine punchers. I ended up forgetting about the lasagna platter and Helen's party and I dropped all my change at the checkout. Which leads me to now- a sad example of wrinkles and dinkles. Gettin' ready for my big show next week..
Check my work out at
Send me all your recipes when you have the chance, I'm stockpiling dull knives too.
Peace out sisters.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I Found Wrote This

The blood wants to jump out of my hand and write the words you say. I welcome the pit in my stomach and wish to return on command. I have things I can do- and things I will do. It's obvious but not after saying it to yourself 15 times.